Cold storage insurance & a security report

Cold wallet insurance policy

Shakepay now holds an insurance policy for digital currencies held in cold storage. This policy covers most damages, theft, and loss of private keys.

This news was covered in CoinDesk.

Independent security report

Shakepay hired a security firm to independently review our procedures for storing funds and processing transactions.

The 19-page report linked on our new security page verifies that:

  • Shakepay has enough digital currencies and fiat to cover the balances of our customers.
  • The digital currencies held in our hot and cold wallets are unlikely to be compromised.

The full report is well worth a read if you’d like to know more about how Shakepay operates. If you have any questions about it, please feel free to reply to this email.

The insurance policy and the security report should provide added assurances to continue using Shakepay to buy bitcoin, but we always recommend learning to set up a wallet, controlling your own keys, and becoming financially self-sovereign.

Onwards and upwards.

— Jean

CEO, Shakepay

Join us in creating open access to building wealth

At Shakepay, we’re making it easy to use Bitcoin to achieve economic freedom.

If you’re interested in helping the world become financially self-sovereign, we’re hiring a Product Designer, a Frontend Developer, and a few other positions.